Radley Balko on the Militarization of America’s Police Force

VICE talks about why people fear/hate the police more and more, how the militarization of police and the increased use of force are signs that feedback loops are set up to make things worse. 🙁

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Poetic APIs

During PyCon 2014 Erik Rose gave a very insightful talk about dos and don’ts of designing APIs. Towards the end he “gets meta” and groups all his points into categories drawing connections how different design goals influence each other. You see two main groups–”lingual” and “mathematical”–and he closes with this gem: 😀

This spotlights something that programming languages have over ordinary human languages. Programs are alive! They not only mean things when people read them, but they actually do things when run. So, very literally a program with carefully chosen symbols is poetry in motion.
— Erik Rose (PyCon 2014)


Programming is terrible – Lessons learned from a life wasted

There are no words to describe this talk, just watch it!

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Or maybe there are … those of the presenter himself: “A bad programmer talks about bad programming.”

Jonathan Blow: Game design: the medium is the message

Jonathan Blow shares his insights into why free-to-play games are a step back in the evolution of entertainment. He basically talks about what constraints of the medium (structurally) influence film plots and game play respectively. He draws an interesting parallel between free-to-play games and the “commercials and syndication” based monetization model of 70s and 80s TV series.

Highly recommended! 😀

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Authors@Google: Garry Kasparov

A very insightful talk with chess legend Garry Kasparov. He touches on some very interesting topics:

  • the role of intuition in decision making
  • the power in being free to make mistakes or how modern risk aversity produces mistakes
  • the psychology of playing at the top
  • how chess is a unique platform to explore the intersection of something we’re good at and the machines are bad at and vice versa (i.e. raw computing power and human intuition)
  • the feeling of playing against human, machines or both in combination
  • and a bit of Russian politics.


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