A friend recommended Sequel Pro as a GUI for MySQL databases. After trying it out for a day I must say I’m pleasantly surprised. 🙂
Tag: Database
Sortable Columns Across Tables
If you follow Railscast 228 you get sortable table columns for your model. But what if you don’t want to expose the name of the actual database columns or more interesting if you want to sort across tables? Here is how I do it.
In your controller add order
or reorder
if you already have an order clause in one of the used scopes (default_scope
counts too).
class AttendeesController < ApplicationController def index @attendances = @conference.attendances.reorder(sort_query).page(params[:page]) end # ... end
As I’m using this mechanism in different controllers I added the common functionality to the application_controller.rb file.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper_method :navigation_params, :sort_column, :sort_direction protected # supports only attendances for now ALLOWED_SORT_COLUMNS = { "fee_payed" => "fee_payed", "fee_payed_on" => "fee_payed_on", "name" => "users.last_name, users.first_name", "payment_confirmation_sent_at" => "payment_confirmation_sent_at", "registered_at" => "registered_at", "registration_confirmation_sent_at" => "registration_confirmation_sent_at", "town" => "users.town" } # use this in views def sort_column ALLOWED_SORT_COLUMNS.keys.include?(params[:sort]) ? params[:sort] : "name" end def sort_direction %w[asc desc].include?(params[:direction]) ? params[:direction] : "asc" end def navigation_params { direction: params[:direction], page: params[:page], sort: params[:sort] } end def sort_query sort_query_column.split(',').map{ |column| column + ' ' + sort_direction }.join(', ') end # use this in controllers def sort_query_column ALLOWED_SORT_COLUMNS[sort_column] end end
This will use the ALLOWED_SORT_COLUMNS
hash to map between user visible and actual database sort columns. Adding sort_query
also allows us to sort by multiple columns at once. navigation_params
is a shortcut I use when generating URLs (e.g. in link_to
) and I want to preserve pagination, sorting, filters/searches, etc. across pages.
def link_to_sortable(column, title = nil) title ||= column.titleize sort_icon = column == sort_column ? content_tag(:i, nil, class: (sort_direction == "asc" ? "icon-chevron-down" : "icon-chevron-up")) : "" direction = column == sort_column && sort_direction == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc" link_to (title+" "+sort_icon).html_safe, params.merge(sort: column, direction: direction, page: nil) end
Note that sort_icon
assumes you are using Bootstrap.
Now we can have sortable columns in our views:
<%= link_to_sortable "name" %> ...