This is a great idea. ?
Tag: Insights
TSA’s Random Lane Picker
This is so moronic I almost fell off my chair laughing: it seems like the TSA spent $47,000 on a “random lane picker.” Please, you be the judge whether it was worth it:
It needs to be operated manually … with hygienic gloves! ?
Snowden, Chomsky and Greenwald Discuss Privacy
Social Media ? Depression
Surprise: heavy use of social media is highly correlated with depression (actual study). o.O But they’re not yet sure which is the cause and which is the effect. They provide arguments for both.
Allwissender Beobachter
Ein allwissender Beobachter, der in unser Gehirn blicken und alle relevanten Faktoren erfassen könnte, wäre in der Lage, unsere Entscheidung vorherzusehen.
Diese Aussage ist so dumm und offensichtlich bekannt, dass es jeder Beschreibung spottet. Er steht auch noch unter dem Titel „Neurowissenschaften: Gedankenlesen noch in weiter Ferne.“ … m(
Babies Know, They Don’t Know
It looks like babies at the age of 19-21 months already have a concept of when they don’t know something and ask for help if it’s available.
Data Is A Toxic Asset
Bruce Schneier also finds data is actually a toxic asset. ?
This line from Matt Taibbi sadly sums up what “high-profile” politicians have become.
[…] they’re not even people, but are […] just robo-babbling representatives of unseen donors.
— Matt Taibbi in How America Made Donald Trump Unstoppable
“Defense Wins”
Nicolas Weaver explains how a “defense wins” policy in a combined offense and defense environment doesn’t sound not very convincing (case in point: the NSA reorganization).
Instead, NSA seems intent on ensuring that they will never be trusted again. The objective reality is this: from the perception of those outside the government, merging the IAD and SIGINT missions is tantamount to eliminating IAD entirely. Trust is a matter of perception as much as reality. “Defense wins?” Whatever the actual truth, for now, the rest of the world says “HA!”
Internet > Alkohol
Eine representative Umfrage besagt, dass Deutsche eher bereit sind auf Alkohol als auf das Internet zu verzichten. ?