Moving Passwords From Firefox (Lockwise) to KeePassXC

Update 2021-03-27: Good news, it seems KeepassXC 2.7.0 learned to import Firefox timestamps. 😀

Go to about:logins in Firefox.

Click on the three dots in the top right corner, select “Export Logins…” and save your passwords info a CSV file (e.g. exported_firefox_logins.csv).

There’s one complication: Firefox will save dates as Unix timestamps (with millisecond resolution) which KeePassXC doesn’t understand, so we’ll have to help it out.

Save the following script into a file (e.g.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author: Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

import csv
import sys

from datetime import datetime

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: {} <exported_firefox_logins.csv>".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)

    csv_file_name = sys.argv[1]

    with open(csv_file_name, 'rt') as f:
        # field names will be determined from first row
        csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        # read all rows in one go
        rows = list(csv_reader)

    # add new columns with Iso-formatted dates
    for row in rows:
        row['timeCreatedIso'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(row['timeCreated'])/1000).isoformat()
        row['timeLastUsedIso'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(row['timeLastUsed'])/1000).isoformat()
        row['timePasswordChangedIso'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(row['timePasswordChanged'])/1000).isoformat()

    # write out the updated rows
    csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, fieldnames=rows[0].keys())

if __name__ == '__main__':

Call it giving it the path of the exported_firefox_logins.csv file and redirect the output into a new file:

python3 ./ ./exported_firefox_logins.csv > ./fixed_firefox_logins.csv

It will add new columns (named: old column name + “Iso”) with the dates converted to the ISO 8601 format KeePassXC wants.

We can now use the fixed_firefox_logins.csv file to import the logins into KeePassXC.

Select Database -> Import -> CSV File... from the menu.

It will ask you to create a new database. Just do it you can get the data into your default database later (e.g. call it firefox_logins.kdbx for now).

In the import form select “First line has field names” and match up KeePassXC’s fields with the columns from the CSV:

KeePassXC FieldFirefox CSV ColumnNotes
GroupNot Present
TitleurlFirefox doesn’t have a title field so we use the URL for it.
NoteshttpRealmI’m not sure how KeePassXC deals with HTTP authentication. There’s no special field for it, so I decided to keep it in the Notes field.
TOTPNot Present
IconNot Present
Last ModifiedtimePasswordChangedIsothe “Iso” part is important!
CreatedtimeCreatedIsothe “Iso” part is important!

Have a look at the preview at the bottom. Does the data look sane? 🤨

Sadly KeePassXC doesn’t let us import Firefox’s timeLastUsedIso field into its Accessed field. 😑

All your imported Logins will be inside the “Root” group. I’d suggest creating a new group (e.g. “Firefox Import”) and moving all imported Logins into it.

You can now open your default database and use the Database -> Merge From Database ... menu item, select the firefox_logins.kdbx file to include it’s contents into the current database. You’ll see a new “Firefox Imports” group show up.

You can now move the single entries into the appropriate groups if you want (e.g. “KeePassXC-Browser Passwords” if you use the browser extension).