Türk Dil Kurumu (Turkish Language Association) has approved “özçekim” as the correct Turkish word for selfie. 😀

Guessing the average age of the participants from the picture the discussion must have been a lot of fun. xD
Türk Dil Kurumu (Turkish Language Association) has approved “özçekim” as the correct Turkish word for selfie. 😀
Guessing the average age of the participants from the picture the discussion must have been a lot of fun. xD
You gotta love th mid of a four-year-old. xD
eldi sildi
iyi ef ci
eyç ay cey key
…— a four-year-old girl in Turkey learning the English alphabet
gereksiz olabilir, gönülden bir ikram
A linguistics professor was lecturing to her class one day. “In English,” she said, “A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative.”
A voice from the back of the room piped up, “Yeah . . .right.”
Source: http://www.enginesofmischief.com/makers/evan/humor/doublenegative.html
Interesting chart about the lexical distance among the languages of Europe.
This is probably my favorite Wikipedia article: Cross-linguistic onomatopoeias.
I even added “Car engine revving” in Turkish and something else I don’t quite remember any more … probably “Bite” in German. 🙂
Ingenious: An ABC for Baby Linguists
Thanks @atopal
I got myself Bioshock 1 and 2 during Steam’s Summer Sale and just came around to play it.
After installation I found out that the game was in German (while my Windows and Steam are in English)!?!? … I hate dubbed films and games!
Sadly Bioshiock doesn’t allow you to change the language in the settings menu so I had to look around. After piecing together information from several 5+ year old, outdated forum posts I found the solution.
(“int” is for international i.e. English)
Everything should be in English now. 😀
This happened when visiting a friend:
Me to the cat: Meow.
His wife: What’s up with the cat? It doesn’t normally sound like that.
My Friend: That wasn’t the cat … that was Riyad!
Now I can officially add it to my CV. 😀