IEEE supports the use of unfettered strong encryption to protect confidentiality and integrity of data and communications. We oppose efforts by governments to restrict the use of strong encryption and/or to mandate exceptional access mechanisms such as “backdoors” or “key escrow schemes” in order to facilitate government access to encrypted data. Governments have legitimate law enforcement and national security interests. IEEE believes that mandating the intentional creation of backdoors or escrow schemes – no matter how well intentioned – does not serve those interests well and will lead to the creation of vulnerabilities that would result in unforeseen effects as well as some predictable negative consequences.
— IEEE Position Statement
Tag: Politics
Math is Terrorism
Drifting News
What if “trending news” would be made to drift in into a certain direction? Well, it seems that Facebook used their ability to manipulate curate trending topics to block out certain topics and set some of their own. ? Some should have warned us.
Snowden, Chomsky and Greenwald Discuss Privacy
This line from Matt Taibbi sadly sums up what “high-profile” politicians have become.
[…] they’re not even people, but are […] just robo-babbling representatives of unseen donors.
— Matt Taibbi in How America Made Donald Trump Unstoppable
Splendid Propaganda
I recently watched two splendid pieces of propaganda: A Film About Coffee and Winter on Fire
Michael Lüders über westliche Politik im Orient
Wenn jemand einen Vortrag braucht, der für schlechte Laune sorgt, kann ich diesen empfehlen:
Truthiness of the IS’s islamicness
Daniel Haqiqatjou and Dr. Yasir Qadhi have compiled concise and to the point arguments on what’s wrong with debating (or trying to prove) the “islamicness” of the IS.
A different cluetrain
Charles Stross jots down some rules that govern contemporary politics … I cringe because I think they may be true … and the comments only make it worse. :/