A remarkably sober analysis of what problem systemd solves for Linux … at a BSD conference of all places. ?
Tag: Recordings
Why hardware + software is cheaper than hardware alone
Thomas Dullien of Google’s Project Zero on why security suffers because it’s actually cheaper to build more complex things (i.e. ship some piece of hardware with a general purpose processor and define features in software instead of using a purpose-built chip).
Lego Love
An interesting talk about Lego CAD with some glimpses into “after market” Lego. 😀
Strings at Facebook
It’s great to see how the simplest things we take for granted are engineered and improved. Case in point: Facebook’s std::string replacement.
Exciting Unlimited Register Machines
A brief and entertaining talk by an obviously excited presenter. 🙂 It goes into the same directions as Jim Weirich’s talk about the Y combinator.
Snowden, Chomsky and Greenwald Discuss Privacy
Double The Profit With 29% More Ads
In Q4 2015 Facebook seems to have doubled their profits by increasing ads by 29% (Source German).
Oh, so much “relevant” “content”, I’m impressed.
Maciej Cegłowski on Website Obesity
Maciej Cegłowski has a great and funny talk about The Website Obesity Crisis. ?
YouPronounce.it allows you to enter an (English) word and finds YouTube videos where this word is used, jumps to the exact point so you can hear how that word is pronounced. 😀
Michael Lüders über westliche Politik im Orient
Wenn jemand einen Vortrag braucht, der für schlechte Laune sorgt, kann ich diesen empfehlen: