Authors@Google: Garry Kasparov

A very insightful talk with chess legend Garry Kasparov. He touches on some very interesting topics:

  • the role of intuition in decision making
  • the power in being free to make mistakes or how modern risk aversity produces mistakes
  • the psychology of playing at the top
  • how chess is a unique platform to explore the intersection of something we’re good at and the machines are bad at and vice versa (i.e. raw computing power and human intuition)
  • the feeling of playing against human, machines or both in combination
  • and a bit of Russian politics.


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Gitify Your Life

Git was written to manage code, but Richard Hartmann presents a whole range of projects and tools that use Git for all sorts of things. 😀

From tracking personal notes to managing your website, wiki, and blog over tracking system and personal configuration files to managing videos, photos and other large files and making system backups, a lot of tools have been grown around the git ecosystem to help you support most tasks of your digital life. This talk will show you a lot of neat tools and tricks and it’s highly likely that you will adopt at least one of the various solutions.

Watch it on YouTube or get it from the Debian Archives.

Chinesen auf dem Weg nach Mekka

Das sind echte Pilger! Die wissen die Hadsch noch zu schätzen! Eine Mischung aus einfacher Frömmigkeit und kindlicher Vorfreude … Hadschis zum Gernhaben. 😀

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Eine andere Frage: wenn man aus China kommt, sind Hadsch-Geschenke (außer Zamzam) irgendwie sinnlos, oder? 😛