Husky posted an interesting news bit about an quadriplegic StarCraft II player from Oregon. 🙂 He even seems to have rigged up custom input equipment to help im play the game. 🙂
Category: English
Google hat angefangen Andoid 4 für Nexus S auszurollen
Vor einigen Wochen kam noch die Meldungen, dass Google Mitarbeiter bereits Vorversionen von Android 4.0 für ihre Nexus S bekommen.
Nun scheint Google (zumindest in den USA) Updates auf Android 4 für alle OTA zu verteilen. Ich freu mich schon 😀
Ich habe gerade meine Updatebenachrichtigung bekommen … mal sehen 🙂
Lawrence Lessig interviews Jack Abramoff on corruption in Washington
It seems there was a public interview of Jack Abramoff by Lawrence Lessig under the banner of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at HLS, of which Lessig is the director.
There are two nice write-ups with pictures and quotes. There is also a video of the interview. 🙂
Internet Finds: Mijn moskee is top
“Mijn moskee is top” is a funny (as in unfamiliar 😉 ) show broadcast by the NPO where they visit mosques around the Netherlands and try to give an insight into the their respective communities and let them explain why they think their mosque is “top”. 🙂
The nice thing is, you can catch old episodes on Uitzending Gemist (the NPO’s web portal for already broadcast programs). 😀 The downside is, to do so, they expect you to have Silverlight (really bad 🙁 ), but also offer Flash as an alternative (less bad, but still).
Repetitive Strain Injury
Recently Charlene Tessier blogged about RSI and how to counter it which I happened to pick up on Planet Ubuntu.
It is an interesting read … especially for those who spend extensive amounts of time sitting in front of a computer. There are technical solutions to the problem (yes, we love them 😉 ). But in the end you should be making a conscious decision to develop habits that naturally counteract the symptoms and effects of RSI. Well … if you want to “live long and prosper” that is 😉
Internet Finds: Radio silence puts subs on nuclear alert
If you are the captain of a British nuclear submarine, how do you find out if your home country is still there?
Secret orders to the captains say that these deadly instructions are to be opened and acted upon only if the submarine cannot tune in to Radio 4’s Today programme for a given number of consecutive days. That is a reliable sign that Britain has been hit by a nuclear attack.
and then what?
Reports suggest that the Prime Minister’s letter, written just days after he won the 1997 election, offers the submarines four options: to put the vessels under US command, to make their way to Australia, to launch a nuclear strike against the enemy or to use their own judgement.
and this is what the foreign secretary has to say:
“Perhaps it’s a not so subtle bid by the BBC to increase the licence fee to pay the electricity bill.”
Found on
Manchester Evening News: Radio silence puts subs on nuclear alert
Hedgehog Family #1
I recently saw a movie and was intrigued by it … Drive.
I don’t know exactly why it was that movie resonated with me … I was tired, I could not concentrate on anything useful, but I had to wait and see something to the end … I think in that context it makes the most sense.
The movie makes you uneasy at first, because it feels as if you are not in control of your senses. Especially the colors and the soundtrack will leave you stunned … stunned is the right word, that’s how you feel. It perfectly recreates the feeling where you can only focus on one of your senses and all the other get dulled down. You feel like you are with the story, but you are to tired to interact, so you just calmly follow along with your weary senses and mind.
The images are heavily tinted and you wonder if you are seeing right. Especially brownish orange, light blue and a dark-shaded red tones give you a strong impression … especially in combination with the music.
The (awesome) soundtrack or a steady calm dominate the audio. There is minimal dialog … and even if there is, there are long pauses in between, so that you think the movie froze. But then a slight change of facial expression and a short reply. It caught me by surprise, but it so perfectly resonated with “only-one-thing-to-focus-on mode” of my tired brain. 🙂
It is an excellent film for when you have the matching mood. You are tired, but you can’t or must not sleep. Watch it!
If I were to summarize the movie
Don’t talk needlessly. Do what must be done. Be nice to children. Rid us of the bad man.
Catching bugs in the cloud
I encountered am error when syncing my mobile phone’s address book with ownCloud:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method OCContactsVCard::deleteFromDAVData() in /path_to_owncloud/apps/contacts/lib/connector_sabre.php on line 194″ while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: your-server.tld, request: “DELETE /owncloud/apps/contacts/carddav.php/addressbooks/user/default/number.vcf HTTP/1.1”
It turns out there is a slight misnomer in the code. It has been fixed in the development version, but the fix is not yet part of an official release.
I documented my findings on ownCloud’s issue tracker with step by step instructions on how to fix this until there is a fixed release available.
From Courier to Dovecot
I switched my IMAP server from Courier to Dovecot.
I was never really fond of Courier. It is a capable but cumbersome system.
Since “everybody” was talking about Dovecot and it was made the default IMAP server for various systems, I decided to try it myself.
Quite easy.
- Install with Apt.
- Create the database user for Dovecot.
- Fiddle with the SQL configuration (don’t forget to uncomment the sql section in dovecot.conf).
- Fiddle with the directory settings (it still does not take individual mail directories from the database).
- Change my password in the database (very easy with dovecotpw).
- Reindex my mails with Thunderbird.