cloud, n.
mythical place where all the unloved data is brought
The Oxford English Dictionary has already been notified about this omission. 😉
cloud, n.
mythical place where all the unloved data is brought
The Oxford English Dictionary has already been notified about this omission. 😉
So I was reading an article on the power of big South Korean companies and wanted to look up the native word and its connotations, as I knew the Japanese had something similar called “Zaibatsu“.
So transliterating the word from the article “Chaebol” to “채볼” failed. So I searched Wikipedia for “Chaebol” at the top it said “Jaebol”. o.O So I tried “재볼” and failed again. By that time I looked in the Languages section on the Wikipedia page and learned that it was actually written “재벌“.
Well, looking up the English translation for it turned up the Japanese word. m(