You have your own invasive surveillance program? The EFF has created an online tool for generating justification statements using real quotes that are so broad and nonsensical that they can be used to justify just about anything. 😀
Tag: Media
Jonathan Blow: Game design: the medium is the message
Jonathan Blow shares his insights into why free-to-play games are a step back in the evolution of entertainment. He basically talks about what constraints of the medium (structurally) influence film plots and game play respectively. He draws an interesting parallel between free-to-play games and the “commercials and syndication” based monetization model of 70s and 80s TV series.
Highly recommended! 😀
Infinite Jukebox
If you like a song and wish it was longer … enjoy the Infinite Jukebox.
ADN: Have a Moan!
ADN: GitLab on TheChangelog
ADN: Dreading the News
Ghazali gegen Geistiges Eigentum
Wenn mir noch ein Muslim mit “Geistigem Eigentum” kommt, haue ich ihm den Ghazali um die Ohren:
der Körper ist der Teilung fähig, der Geist aber nicht
— Al-Ghazali, Elixir der Glückseligkeit, S. 39
Room 237
Just finished Room 237. The post structuralist in me screams “Yeah!!” … the rest is dumbfounded.
Fareed Zakaria’s Talk at the Bon Mot Book Club
Fareed Zakaria talks about how where you come from deeply biases how you view world events, how this ties in with a truly global economy. He also talks about “how we are building a global economy [and] a global society quicker, than we have a global political system, that can deal with it.”
He argues that since the late 1970s two major forces are shaping our world:
1. secular, interconnected, interdependent markets and trade
2. large scale religious and nationalist movements
Lauer Verdacht
Muhaha … beim neusten Fall der substanzlosen Terrorpanikmache war der Terrorverdacht so lau begründet, dass es nicht mal zu einer Pro-Forma-Verhaftung kam. m(