#!/usr/bin/env ruby -rubygems |
# |
# Author: Riyad Preukschas <riyad@informatik.uni-bremen.de> |
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
# |
# Transcode any file VLC can play to mp3. |
require 'optparse' |
require 'mkmf' |
require 'shellwords' |
# |
# helpers |
# |
def puts_error(message) |
puts "Error: #{message}" |
end |
def puts_warning(message) |
puts "Warning: #{message}" |
end |
# |
# parse options |
# |
options = { |
:bit_rate => 192, |
:sampling_rate => 44100, |
} |
begin |
OptionParser.new do |opts| |
opts.banner = "Usage: convert2mp3 [options] FILE [<FILE ...>]" |
opts.separator "" |
opts.separator "Conversion Options:" |
opts.on("-f", "--[no-]force", "Overwrite mp3 file if it exists already") do |f| |
options[:force_overwrite] = f |
end |
opts.on("-o", "--output-directoy [DIRECTORY]", "Save converted files to this directory") do |out_dir| |
unless File.directory?(out_dir) |
puts_error %Q(Wrong output directory. "#{out_dir}" is not a directory.) |
exit 1 |
end |
options[:output_dir] = out_dir |
end |
opts.separator "" |
opts.separator "mp3 Options:" |
opts.on("-b", "--bit-rate [RATE]", Integer, "Bit rate in kbit/s (default: #{options[:bit_rate]})") do |b| |
options[:bit_rate] = b |
end |
opts.on("-s", "--sampling-rate [RATE]", Integer, "Sampling rate in Hz (default: #{options[:sampling_rate]})") do |s| |
options[:sampling_rate] = s |
end |
opts.separator "" |
opts.separator "General Options:" |
opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do |
puts opts |
exit 0 |
end |
opts.on_tail("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Be more verbose") do |v| |
options[:verbose] = v |
end |
end.parse! |
rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e |
puts_error e.message |
exit 1 |
end |
# |
# gather source files |
# |
if ARGV.empty? |
puts_error "No files given." |
exit 1 |
end |
source_files = [] |
while !ARGV.empty? |
source_path = ARGV.shift |
unless File.exists?(source_path) |
puts_warning %Q(Skipping "#{source_path}". It doesn't exist.) |
next |
end |
unless File.file?(source_path) |
puts_warning %Q(Skipping "#{source_path}". It's not a file.) |
next |
end |
source_files << source_path |
end |
# |
# VLC command line options |
# |
# using find_executable() will create a mkmf.log file :( |
vlc_paths = [ |
'vlc', |
'/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC', |
File.expand_path('~/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC'), |
] |
VLC = vlc_paths.find { |path| find_executable0(path) } |
INTERFACE = '-I dummy' |
PLAYBACK = '--no-loop --no-repeat --play-and-exit' |
TRANSCODING = '--sout="#transcode{vcodec=dummy,acodec=mp3,ab=BIT_RATE,channels=2,samplerate=SAMPLING_RATE}:standard{access=file,mux=raw,dst=\'DESTINATION\'}"'. |
gsub('BIT_RATE', options[:bit_rate].to_s). |
gsub('SAMPLING_RATE', options[:sampling_rate].to_s) |
VERBOSITY = options[:verbose] ? '' : '-q 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null' |
if VLC.nil? |
puts_error "Couldn't find VLC." |
exit 1 |
end |
source_files.each do |source_file| |
source_dir = File.dirname(source_file) |
output_dir = options[:output_dir] || source_dir |
output_file = File.join(output_dir, "#{File.basename(source_file, ".*")}.mp3") |
if File.exist?(output_file) |
if options[:force_overwrite] |
puts_warning %Q(Output file exists. "#{output_file}" will be overwritten.) if options[:verbose] |
else |
puts_warning %Q(Output file exists already. Skipping "#{output_file}".) |
next |
end |
end |
puts %Q(Converting "#{source_file}") |
unless system("#{VLC} #{PLAYBACK} #{INTERFACE} #{TRANSCODING.gsub('DESTINATION', output_file.gsub(/'/, ""))} #{source_file.shellescape} #{VERBOSITY}") |
puts_error "Conversion failed. Try using the -v option for more detailed output." |
end |
puts if options[:verbose] |
end |