If you have never heard of net neutrality or don’t know why it’s important, watch this video!
If you have never heard of net neutrality or don’t know why it’s important, watch this video!
So awesome … 😀
Raymond Hettinger gives a great, concise and immediately useful examples of idiomatic Python.
Fareed Zakaria talks about how where you come from deeply biases how you view world events, how this ties in with a truly global economy. He also talks about “how we are building a global economy [and] a global society quicker, than we have a global political system, that can deal with it.”
He argues that since the late 1970s two major forces are shaping our world:
1. secular, interconnected, interdependent markets and trade
2. large scale religious and nationalist movements
Gunter Dueck spricht darüber, warum wir ein vernünftiges Menschenbild brauchen, wenn wir uns mal gesittet über Zahnpasta, Schulnoten und Katzen unterhalten wollen. 😉
Dante, Islam and the banking system … interesting talk …
One of the less serious, but still very interesting (and insightful) talks from 29c3.
Zeit ist das, was man hat, wenn man die Uhren wegschmeißt.
I just felt the need for a script that could extract the audio track of a video, transcode it and save it as an mp3 file … 2 hours later I was finished (get the Gist). 😀 It uses VLC to do hard work. 😉
Thanks to Kris Hom for the inspiration. 🙂
Update 2014-03-01:
Update 2014-11-05:
Update 2016-03-05
Two great talks from RubyConf 2012:
You can find more talks from that conference on YouTube … one I already mentioned. 😉