Word! … you know, because of 16-bit … 🥸
Tag: Word!
Miezefratze, die
➡ siehe Grumpy Cat
Traumtauchen, n.
Metaphysische Erklärung für Schlafapnoe.
Dream Diving
Dream diving, n.
a metaphysical explanation for sleep apnea.
Affektbesaugung, f.
leidenschaftlicher Kuss
telepathetisch, adj.
Etwas für seine Frau tun, ohne dass sie es sagen muss, um einer theatralischen Auseinandersetzung zu entgehen
Ethnic Affinity
Facebook started targeting ads based on its perception of a person’s race or ethnicity, but just to be safe without actually taking into account their race or ethnicity. The magic PR BS word they invented for it is “ethnic affinity.”
They want to monetize every aspect of your identity, whether that’s an ethnic affiliation or a preference for bean thread noodles.
The problem is that profiling somebody’s ethnic affinities has a lot more cultural baggage attached to it—to say the least—than profiling somebody’s taste in restaurants. And that’s why Facebook’s multicultural targeting scheme is getting a lot more pushback than the company bargained for.
Ich lass mich nicht gern hadischatzen! ?
jemanden liebevoll zur Eile anhalten
Hadi Schatz, wir müssen los!
Hadi Schatz, gidelim artık!
Drone Meteorology
Drone Meteorology, noun
the study of death “raining down” on congregations of people
This is especially useful when planning open-air weddings. 😶
Spaßanabolika, n. pl.
Substanzen, die die Entwicklung von Lachmuskeln beschleunigen