It seems uMatrix development has stopped. 😢
RIP CyanogenMod
Adrian Frutiger
I Helped Find And Fix A Bug In RabbitMQ
The Meaning of Valar Morghulis in Ramadhan
Now that Ramadhan is almost over it became obvious to me that “Valar Morghulis” must also mean “والله 먹어 less” 😛
Sometimes I’m scared to see how my brain combines things. o.O
Chinese Steel
Watching bootlegged movies you get funny thoughts:
why does the Chinese word for steel (钢铁) have both steel and iron in it?
In dinu veritas
Lese mal wieder Imam Ghazalis “Elixier der Glückseligkeit”. Projekttitel: “in دِينُ veritas” 😀
Room 237
Just finished Room 237. The post structuralist in me screams “Yeah!!” … the rest is dumbfounded.
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Find me on Twitter: @riyadpr. 😀
Make an ISO from a CD/DVD on OS X
I just needed to create an .iso file from a DVD and Disk Utility was no help. 🙁 So I turned to the internet and found my answer on SuperUser. 🙂
hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o Image.iso /input_path
There are other variants described on the linked page.