The Deli Man is officially the 2nd most evil thing you can watch while Fasting. 😂
The evilest is still Episode 21(alternative source) of Barefoot Friends.
The Deli Man is officially the 2nd most evil thing you can watch while Fasting. 😂
The evilest is still Episode 21(alternative source) of Barefoot Friends.
Wenn jemand einen Vortrag braucht, der für schlechte Laune sorgt, kann ich diesen empfehlen:
This is an awesome talk that compares software to music and explores why 400+-year-old music can still be played … in different keys … on a variety of instruments … etc.
These are my favorite talks from the 31C3 so far. 😀
Gary Bernhardt presents a thought-provoking history of JavaScript as seen from 2035.
His arguments are that
So by further moving the JavaScript VM into the kernel we save ourselves the overhead of hardware process isolation as the VM does this any way.
All this lead to interesting consequences
Very entertaining talk about some of Ruby‘s quirks. 😀
A very profound interview.
In the wake of the newly-released Laniakea paper I was inspired. 😀
Humbled and in awe
Just from the images he sawOf the pearls of light
Making way through the dark and voidA sign, though abstract
Reminding him to not detractThose mindful can tell
الله أعلى و أجل
VICE talks about why people fear/hate the police more and more, how the militarization of police and the increased use of force are signs that feedback loops are set up to make things worse. 🙁