Brian Sletten presents an overview of the WebAssembly landscape, the development direction and applications it enables. I can’t but notice that we’re really on the path to WebAssembly becoming the JavaScript-derived universal runtime Gary Bernhardt promised in 2014. 🤯
Tag: Web
So basically you write something LISP-ish in JavaScript to get HTML?
Just Delete Me – Find out how to delete your account on a service you don’t want to be on any more. … Did somebody say Facebook?
Hillariously embarrassing “cyber expert”
How this “cyber expert” embarrasses herself is priceless. I laughed so hard my stomach hurts. xD
Unsafe Chrome Sometimes Necessary
In my work – every now and then – I found myself in need of a browser with reduced security checks (mainly to gloss over cross domain XMLHttpRequests and SSL certificate violations) for testing purposes. I didn’t want to take the risk and use my main browser session with these settings, so I made me a script (also available as a Gist). 🙂
If you use oh my ZSH you can save this file in
and add “chrome-unsafe” to your list of used plugins in
ADN: New Google Banner Ads
What is Net Neutrality and why is it important?
If you have never heard of net neutrality or don’t know why it’s important, watch this video!
API Response Fail
If you must use XML in your APIs … OK, I can handle that. But if your responses look like this … I hate you!

Scalable Icons for the Social Web
If you are looking to add icons for social networks and web services to your site there are quite a lot to find on the internet. But almost all of them have shortcomings if you go beyond the Facebook, Twitter, Google+ triple. Email, GitHub, … but if you also want scalable icons you can just give up right now. Well, almost 😉 … while searching the internet I came across two projects that fulfill all the above criteria. 😀
Mono Social Icons Font gives you a ton of icons in a font file. It has three variants for each if the icons (rounded, circle and no background). They are monochrome by nature, but they can be colored as text on a website can be.
Adam Fairhead’s Webicons Set has a huge set of colored SVG icons (with PNG fallbacks). It even has some fairly rare ones … I even added one for KDE. 😉
I put them to use on my new greeter and my updated contact page.
Maintaining Maintenance
Sometimes well-intentioned features have unintended side effects. Case in point: WordPress’ maintenance mode. Whenever you update plugins WP will automatically enter maintenance mode, which displays a nice message to your visitors that the site will be back online shortly. It will automatically go out of maintenance once the updates are done.
Well, sometimes unexpected things happen: you are stuck in maintenance mode. WP will effectively lock you out … even the admin section will not be accessible. *ugh* This is the moment you start panicking … luckily if you wait 10 minutes or delete the .maintenance file manually you’ll be able to access your site again. *phew*
Just went though that whole cycle. m(