Real Fake Likes

Facebook offers you to pay for likes, which will generally come from people who don’t really like your page, but probably get paid for it. This in turn will drag down engagement on your posts, because now many of your (artificially limited) post views will go to them instead of genuinely interested people. Then Facebook offers you to pay to throttle your posts less so that they reach more people. … See? Win/Win!

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Programming is terrible – Lessons learned from a life wasted

There are no words to describe this talk, just watch it!

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Or maybe there are … those of the presenter himself: “A bad programmer talks about bad programming.”

Jonathan Blow: Game design: the medium is the message

Jonathan Blow shares his insights into why free-to-play games are a step back in the evolution of entertainment. He basically talks about what constraints of the medium (structurally) influence film plots and game play respectively. He draws an interesting parallel between free-to-play games and the “commercials and syndication” based monetization model of 70s and 80s TV series.

Highly recommended! 😀

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