woot? o_O Macromates released the source code for TextMate 2 on GitHub. 😀
Roundcube 0.8
Kudos to the Roundcube Devs. The new release looks awesome. 😀
Congratulations to NASA for successfully landing a new gadget on mars. 😉
Footnote … nice 😀
Jelly Bean
Just got my Jelly Bean update notification. 🙂
File.basename Tricks
Just realized Ruby’s File.basename can also filter out (arbitrary) file extensions. 😀
File.basename("foo/bar/baz.html", ".*") #=> "baz"
I am the Best
Sometimes there are things you didn’t want to know, but then somehow you do … and you cannot “un-know” these things … I just had one of these moments. 🙁
Some time ago introduced to this piece of “music” with the phrase “here, this is also something you probably won’t like.” 😉 I was never told where it is from and could not recognize what was being said (I always thought it was some random mumbo-jumbo) … and I was happy 🙂
… untill I heard the phrase “내가제일잘나가” … nothing will ever be the same … 🙁
New Tagline
I just had the idea for an alternative tagline on this blog:
some things fishy
This should also fit quite well. 😉
btw: I’m also sketching out something to be used as logo. 🙂
10°C at the end of december
I’m scared, it’s the last week of december and it’s almost 10°C outside. o.O
Android 4.0.3 ist da
Ich habe mir inzwischen das Update installiert und ich muss sagen es sieht richtig gut aus 😀
So gut wie alle Apps wurden grundlegend überarbeitet … so weit ich sehen kann, zum Besseren 😀
… “aaaaaand it’s gone“. 😉