Routing My Way Out With IPv6: NPT6

This article is part of a series of how I built a WireGuard tunnel for getting IPv6 connectivity. Where the last step was to figure out how to route packets from devices in my private network through the WireGuard tunnel to the Internet.

I’ve explored three different methods for solving this:

I’ll try to show how to set each of them up and try to convey their pros and cons.


You should always consider IPv6-PD first!

Consider any other option only if:

  • you have a “weird” setup or want to support an esoteric use case (like I do e.g. with too many local subnets for too long a public prefix)
  • you’re willing to set up, debug and maintain a somewhat experimental configuration
  • you more or less understand the tradeoffs
  • all of the above!

Starting Point

I’ll assume the following has been set up:

  • default OpenWRT networks named “LAN”, “WAN”, “WAN6”
  • default OpenWRT firewall rules
  • an ULA prefix of fd00:11:22::/48
  • an IPv6 WireGuard tunnel with the endpoint on our OpenWRT router being 2000:30:40:50::2
  • the remote WireGurad tunnel end point forwards the whole 2000:30:40:50::/64 to our OpenWRT router

NPTv6 (Network Prefix Translation)

This is probably the least publicly documented method of all. Discussions and tutorials are scarce. Its use cases are esoteric and probably better solved in other ways. But it’s the most interesting method, because it’s conceptually even simpler than NAT6, but only viable with IPv6 addresses.

NPT basically means that you swap the prefix part of an IPv6 address with another same-sized prefix. It exploits two facts about IPv6 addresses. The first one is that prefixes can be at most 64 bits long (i.e. for a /64) leaving the interface identifier (i.e. the second half of the IPv6 address) untouched. The second one is that interface identifiers are basically random (i.e. because they’re either derived from (globally) unique MAC addresses or they’re randomly generated temporary addresses) and hence won’t clash. This allows for stateless, NAT-like behavior (i.e.without the “expensive” tracking of NATed connections).

You can configure NPT to be bidirectional which maps prefixes in both directions basically creating a 1:1 mapping. If you’re doing this you’re probably better off just announcing multiple prefixes to your devices or creating custom routes to bridge two networks.

An even more esoteric use case is when you create one or more unidirectional mappings allowing you to multiplex multiple networks onto one. This works great, because the interface identifiers are basically random and can be left as they are. In my tests having one-way mappings still managed to route the responses correctly although strictly speaking it shouldn’t. 🤨 I suspect that this worked accidentally, because of the standard firewall “conntrack” (i.e. connection tracking) rules. 🤔


On the “Network > Interfaces” page edit the “WAN6” interface and set “Protocol” to “unmanaged”. And make sure the “WAN6_WG” addresses say 2000:30:40:50::2/64 (note the /64 at the end).

Similar to the NAT6 case we need a custom firewall script. You have to install the iptables-mod-nat-extra package. I’ve created a Gist for the script. Save it to /etc/firewall.npt6 and instruct the firewall to run it when being reloaded by adding the following section to /etc/config/firewall:

config include 'npt6'
        option path '/etc/firewall.npt6'
        option reload '1'

After restarting the firewall with /etc/init.d/firewall restart you should be good to go.

As described at the top of the firewall script you can configure mappings by adding npt6 config sections to /etc/config/firewall (sorry, there’s no UI for this 😅).

config npt6
        option src_interface 'lan'
        option dest_interface 'wan6_wg'
        option output '1'

This is the minimal setup. Just add more sections for more source and destination network pairs. Run /etc/init.d/firewall reload to apply new configurations.

In my tests all devices could connect to IPv6 services on the internet without problems. But devices always preferred IPv4 connections over IPv6 ones. This was tricky to solve, but it comes down to this:

When a domain has both public/global IPv4 and IPv6 addresses your devices tries to determine how to connect to it. It’ll generally prefer IPv6 over IPv4, but actually its more complicated than that. All IPv4 addresses are treated as global during address selection while IPv6 addresses are classified differently depending on the prefix. It just so happens that from the outside it looks something like this: global IPv6 address > IPv4 addresses > IPv6 ULAs. It’s a little more complicated

Since we don’t have a global IPv6 address, IPv4 is preferred assuming that private IPv4 addresses will generally be NATed to the Internet while ULA prefixes won’t. 😞

This was tricky to solve. All related questions on the Internet revolved around how to prefer IPv4 over IPv6, but the solution was not invertible. It boils down to changing /etc/gai.conf to classify your ULA prefix the same as a global ones. You can accomplish this by adding a label line for your ULA (i.e. fd00:11:22::/48 here) and giving it the same label (i.e. the last number on the line) as the line with ::/0 (i.e. 1 here for me). Finding this out took me a week of trial and error until I resigned to doing the address selection algorithm by hand. 😅

I had to uncomment all the label configuration lines and then add my custom line, because once you add a custom rule all the default ones will be reset. So to add a rule on top of the default ones I ended up with the following (note that I only added the last line, all others were part of Ubuntu’s default configuration):

label ::1/128       0
label ::/0          1
label 2002::/16     2
label ::/96         3
label ::ffff:0:0/96 4
label fec0::/10     5
label fc00::/7      6
label 2001:0::/32   7
label fd00:11:22::/48 1

I only added my network’s ULA to preserve the default behavior as much as possible and only make an exception for my network specifically. so this will change the behavior only when the device has addresses from this specific ULA.

You have to restart applications for them to pick up changes to /etc/gai.conf.


  • multiple internal networks can be multiplexed onto one upstream network (even when the upstream prefix is too long (e.g. for IPv6-PD))
  • internal devices are not directly reachable from the Internet (with unidirectional mapping) (this is not a replacement for a firewall!)


  • very little documentation and online resources
  • for your devices to use IPv6 by default you have to muck with address selection preferences on each and every one of them
  • it doesn’t fall back to IPv4 when the IPv6 tunnel goes down

List all processes and how much swap they use

Sometimes I see that my computer uses a lot of swap space, but none of the system monitors (e.g. ps, Gnome’s System Monitor, top, btop) show which processes are to blame. There’re several memory metrics (e.g. total swap usage), but never per process swap usage. 😠

There’s a StackExchange question that asks the same thing, but the solutions are all not well scripted, slow or “meh” for other reasons … so I tackled the problem myself. 😝

All the information is basically buried in the /proc/*/status files. Among other things they contain the amount of swap a process uses, its PID and even better: its name. So we have to go through all the files, grep the useful lines, extract the data from those lines and recombine them.

I tried different combinations of grep and sed and Bash string interpolation … and while it worked, it was even slower than the StackExchange suggestions. 😯😅😞 This looked more and more like a “if I knew grep/sed/awk better I wouldn’t need to invoke 4 sub shells/pipes/processes for each file” kind of problem. I remembered Bryan Cantrill making an offhanded remark once that awk had a simple and concise language and a great manual.

If you get the awk programming language manual…you’ll read it in about two hours and then you’re done. That’s it. You know all of awk.

Bryan Cantrill

I had put off diving in for too long. So I started reading and roughly 20 minutes in I knew enough to solve the whole problem (almost) entirely in awk (it still needs the shell for filename globbing 😕🤷). And … it’s blazingly fast! And … you can also combine it with sort and head to quickly find the worst offenders. 😎

You can find the code in this Gist. There’s a simpler version in an earlier revision. 😉

# Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# List all processes and how much swap they use.
# The output format is: "<swap used> : <pid> : <process name>"
# To get the top 10 processes using swap you can run:
# lsswap | sort -hr | head -n10
exec awk '
# skip files that cannot be opened
if ( ERRNO != "" ) {
/^VmSwap:/ {
vmswap = $2;
vmswap_unit = $3;
# force conversion to a number
vmswap += 0
# make units more human readable
if (vmswap_unit == "kB" && vmswap > 1000) {
vmswap /= 1000
vmswap_unit = "MB"
if (vmswap_unit == "MB" && vmswap > 1000) {
vmswap /= 1000
vmswap_unit = "GB"
/^Name:/ { name = $2 }
/^Pid:/ { pid = $2 }
# skip processes that cannot be swapped or are not using swap at all
if (length(vmswap) != 0 && vmswap != 0) {
printf "%1.1f%s : %d : %s\n", vmswap, vmswap_unit, pid, name
' "${files[@]}"
view raw lsswap hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Build Rsync for Android Yourself

To build rsync for Android you’ll need to have the Android NDK installed already.

Then clone the rsync for android source (e.g. from CyanogenMod LineageOS) …

git clone
cd android_external_rsync
# checkout the most recent branch
git checkout cm-14.1

… create the missing


build file (e.g. from this Gist) and adapt it to your case

APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a
APP_OPTIM := release
APP_PLATFORM := android-29
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… and start the build with

export NDK_PROJECT_PATH=pwd ndk-build -d rsync

You’ll find your self-build rsync in


. ?

Update 2017-10-06:

  • Updated sources from CyanogenMod to LineageOS.
  • Added links to Gist and Andoid NDK docs
  • Updated steps to work with up-to-date setups

If you get something like the following warnings and errors …

./flist.c:454:16: warning: implicit declaration of function 'major' is invalid in C99
                        if ((uint32)major(rdev) == rdev_major)
./flist.c:458:41: warning: implicit declaration of function 'minor' is invalid in C99
                        if (protocol_version < 30 && (uint32)minor(rdev) <= 0xFFu)
./flist.c:467:11: warning: implicit declaration of function 'makedev' is invalid in C99
                        rdev = MAKEDEV(major(rdev), 0);
./rsync.h:446:36: note: expanded from macro 'MAKEDEV'
#define MAKEDEV(devmajor,devminor) makedev(devmajor,devminor)
3 warnings generated.
./flist.c:473: error: undefined reference to 'makedev'
./flist.c:454: error: undefined reference to 'major'
./flist.c:457: error: undefined reference to 'major'
./flist.c:458: error: undefined reference to 'minor'
./flist.c:467: error: undefined reference to 'major'
./flist.c:467: error: undefined reference to 'makedev'
./flist.c:617: error: undefined reference to 'major'
./flist.c:619: error: undefined reference to 'minor'
./flist.c:621: error: undefined reference to 'minor'
./flist.c:788: error: undefined reference to 'makedev'
./flist.c:869: error: undefined reference to 'makedev'
./flist.c:1027: error: undefined reference to 'minor'
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/rsync] Error 1

… you probably need to update


and change






After reading how CloudFlare handles their PKI and that LetsEncrypt will use it I wanted to give CFSSL a shot.

Reading the project’s documentation doesn’t really help in building your own CA, but searching the Internet I found Fernando Barillas’ blog explaining how to create your own root certificate and how to create intermediate certificates from this.

I took it a step further I wrote a script generating new certificates for several services with different intermediates and possibly different configurations (e.g. depending on your distro and services certain cyphers (e.g. using ECC) may not be supported).
I also streamlined generating service specific key, cert and chain files. 😀

Have a look at the full Gist or just the most interesting part:

# Author: Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: MIT
# Generates root, internediate CA and service keys.
function generate_root_ca() {
local root_ca="$1"
echo "Generating root CA into ${root_ca}/"
[[ ! -d "${root_ca}" ]] && mkdir "${root_ca}"
cfssl genkey -initca "${root_ca}_csr.json" | cfssljson -bare "${root_ca}/root"
function generate_intermediate_ca() {
local root_ca="$1"
local intermediate_ca="$2"
echo "Generating intermediate CA into ${intermediate_ca}/ (for root CA ${root_ca}/)"
[[ ! -d "${intermediate_ca}" ]] && mkdir "${intermediate_ca}"
cfssl gencert -ca "${root_ca}/root.pem" -ca-key "${root_ca}/root-key.pem" -config="config.json" -profile="intermediate" "${intermediate_ca}_csr.json" | cfssljson -bare "${intermediate_ca}/intermediate"
function generate_service_keys() {
local root_ca="$1"
local intermediate_ca="$2"
local service_type="$3"
local key_name="$4"
local dist_dir="${intermediate_ca}/dist"
echo "Generating ${service_type} key pair into ${intermediate_ca}/"
[[ ! -d "${dist_dir}" ]] && mkdir "${dist_dir}"
cfssl gencert -ca "${intermediate_ca}/intermediate.pem" -ca-key "${intermediate_ca}/intermediate-key.pem" -config="config.json" -profile="server" "${key_name}_csr.json" | cfssljson -bare "${intermediate_ca}/${key_name}"
cp "${intermediate_ca}/${key_name}.pem" "${dist_dir}/"
cp "${intermediate_ca}/${key_name}-key.pem" "${dist_dir}/"
case "${service_type}" in
cat "${intermediate_ca}/intermediate.pem" "${root_ca}/root.pem" > "${dist_dir}/${key_name}-cachain.pem"
cat "${intermediate_ca}/${key_name}.pem" "${intermediate_ca}/intermediate.pem" "${root_ca}/root.pem" > "${dist_dir}/${key_name}.pem"
cat "${intermediate_ca}/intermediate.pem" "${root_ca}/root.pem" > "${dist_dir}/${key_name}-cachain.pem"
# Foo root CA
#generate_root_ca "${ROOT_CA}"
# Some intermediate CA
generate_intermediate_ca "${ROOT_CA}" "some-intermediate-ca"
generate_service_keys "${ROOT_CA}" "some-intermediate-ca" "nginx" "foo-some-web"
# Another intermediate CA
generate_intermediate_ca "${ROOT_CA}" "another-intermediate-ca"
generate_service_keys "${ROOT_CA}" "some-intermediate-ca" "dovecot" "foo-another-imap"
generate_service_keys "${ROOT_CA}" "some-intermediate-ca" "postfix" "foo-another-smtp"
view raw hosted with ❤ by GitHub

You’ll still have to deploy them yourself.

Update 2016-10-04:
Fixed some issues with this Gist.

  • Fixed a bug where intermediate CA certificates weren’t marked as CAs any more
  • Updated the example CSRs and the script so it can now be run without errors

Update 2017-10-08:

  • Cleaned up `` by extracting functions for generating root CA, intermediate CA and service keys.

Bottle Plugin Lifecycle

If you use Python‘s Bottle micro-framework there’ll be a time where you’ll want to add custom plugins. To get a better feeling on what code gets executed when, I created a minimal Bottle app with a test plugin that logs what code gets executed. I uesed it to test both global and route-specific plugins.

When Python loads the module you’ll see that the plugins’




methods will be called immediately when they are installed on the app or applied to the route. This happens in the order they appear in the code. Then the app is started.

The first time a route is called Bottle executes the plugins’


methods. This happens in “reversed order” of installation (which makes sense for a nested callback chain). This means first the route-specific plugins get applied then the global ones. Their result is cached, i.e. only the inner/wrapped function is executed from here on out.

Then for every request the


method’s inner function is executed. This happens in the “original” order again.

Below you can see the code and example logs for two requests. You can also clone the Gist and do your own experiments.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import bottle
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"module load")
class LifecycleTestPlugin(object):
name = "lifecycle_test"
api = 2
def __init__(self, name): = name"%s: plugin __init__",
def setup(self, app):"%s: plugin setup",
def apply(self, callback, context):"%s: plugin apply",
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):"%s: plugin apply wrapper",
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def close(self):"plugin close %s",
app = bottle.Bottle()"installing plugins ...")
def ping():
return 'pong'
if __name__ == "__main__":"start app ..."), host="", port="9000", reloader=True)
module load
installing plugins ...
app_plugin1: plugin __init__
app_plugin1: plugin setup
app_plugin2: plugin __init__
app_plugin2: plugin setup
route_plugin1: plugin __init__
route_plugin2: plugin __init__
start app ...
module load
installing plugins ...
app_plugin1: plugin __init__
app_plugin1: plugin setup
app_plugin2: plugin __init__
app_plugin2: plugin setup
route_plugin1: plugin __init__
route_plugin2: plugin __init__
start app ...
Bottle v0.12.8 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.
route_plugin2: plugin apply
route_plugin1: plugin apply
app_plugin2: plugin apply
app_plugin1: plugin apply
app_plugin1: plugin apply wrapper
app_plugin2: plugin apply wrapper
route_plugin1: plugin apply wrapper
route_plugin2: plugin apply wrapper - - [05/Jul/2015 14:07:25] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4
app_plugin1: plugin apply wrapper
app_plugin2: plugin apply wrapper
route_plugin1: plugin apply wrapper
route_plugin2: plugin apply wrapper - - [05/Jul/2015 14:07:28] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4
view raw output.log hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Android Backup and Restore with ADB

Updating my OnePlus One recently to Cyanogen OS 12 I had to reset my phone a few times before everything ran smoothly … so I wrote a pair of scripts to help me copy things around.

It uses the Android SDK’s ADB tool to do the copying since the Android File Transfer Tool for Mac has a laughable quality for Google’s standards.

Update 2018-11-22:
Since the scripts became more sophisticated I moved them to a proper project on GitHub.

Synchronize directories between computers using rsync (and SSH)

I found this command line magic gem some time ago and was using it ever since.

I started using it for synchronizing directories between computers on the same network. But it felt kind of clunky and cumbersome to get the slashes right so that it wouldn’t nest those directories and copy everything. Since both source and destination machine had the same basic directory layout, I thought ‘why not make it easier?’ … e.g. like this:

sync-to other-pc ~/Documents
sync-to other-pc ~/Music --exclude '*.wav'
sync-from other-pc ~/Music --dry-run --delete

It uses rsync for the heavy lifting but does the tedious source and destination mangling for you. 😀

You can find the code in this Gist.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author: Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
# Synchronize directories between computers using rsync (and SSH).
# Save this script as something like `sync-to` somewhere in $PATH.
# Link it to `sync-from` in the same location. (i.e. `ln sync-to sync-from`)
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
PROGRAM_NAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
RSYNC = 'rsync'
'--rsh="ssh"', '--partial', '--progress', '--archive', '--human-readable']
RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = ['.DS_Store', '.localized']
# helpers
def print_usage_and_die():
print(re.sub(r'^[ ]{8}', '',
Synchronize directories between computers using rsync (and SSH).
Usage: {PROGRAM_NAME} HOST DIR [options]
HOST any host you'd use with SSH
DIR must be available on both the local and the remote machine
You can pass any options rsync accepts.
-v, --verbose will also print the command that'll be used to sync
sync-to other-pc ~/Documents
sync-to other-pc ~/Music --exclude '*.wav'
sync-from other-pc ~/Music --dry-run --delete
def is_verbose():
return any('^--verbose|-\w*v\w*$', arg) is not None
for arg
in sys.argv
# main
def main():
# parse options
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
host = sys.argv[1]
dir = sys.argv[2]
rsync_excludes = [f"--exclude='{pattern}'" for pattern in RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS]
rsync_user_options = sys.argv[3:]
if'from$', PROGRAM_NAME):
rsync_src_dest = [f"{host}:{dir}/", dir]
elif'to$', PROGRAM_NAME):
rsync_src_dest = [f"{dir}/", f"{host}:{dir}"]
print('Error: unknown command')
# copy
exec_args = RSYNC_BASIC_OPTIONS + rsync_excludes + rsync_user_options + rsync_src_dest
if is_verbose():
print(f"{RSYNC} {' '.join(RSYNC_BASIC_OPTIONS + rsync_excludes)} {shlex.join(rsync_user_options + rsync_src_dest)}")
os.execvp(RSYNC, exec_args)[RSYNC] + exec_args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
view raw sync-to-from hosted with ❤ by GitHub


If you write software in Python you come to a point where you are testing a piece of code that expects a more or less elaborate dictionary as an argument to a function. As a good software developer we want that code properly tested but we want to use minimal fixtures to accomplish that.

So, I was looking for something that behaves like a dictionary, that you can give explicit return values for specific keys and that will give you some sort of a “default” return value when you try to access an “unknown” item (I don’t care what as long as there is no Exception raised (e.g.



My first thought was “why not use MagicMock?” … it’s a useful tool in so many situations.

from mock import MagicMock
m = MagicMock(foo="bar")

But using MagicMock where dict is expected yields unexpected results.

>>> # this works as expected
>>> # but this doesn't do what you'd expect
>>> m["foo"]
<MagicMock name='mock.__getitem__()' id='4396280016'>

First of all attribute and item access are treated differently. You setup MagicMock using key word arguments (i.e. “dict syntax”), but have to use attributes (i.e. “object syntax”) to access them.

Then I thought to yourself “why not mess with the magic methods?”




  expect the same arguments anyway. So this should work:

m = MagicMock(foo="bar")
m.__getitem__.side_effect = m.__getattr__

Well? …

>>> m["foo"]
<MagicMock name='' id='4554363920'>

… No!

By this time I thought “I can’t be the first to need this” and started searching in the docs and sure enough they provide an example for this case.

d = dict(foo="bar")

m = MagicMock()
m.__getitem__.side_effect = d.__getitem__

Does it work? …

>>> m["foo"]
>>> m["bar"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File ".../env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 955, in __call__
    return _mock_self._mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
  File ".../env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1018, in _mock_call
    ret_val = effect(*args, **kwargs)
KeyError: 'bar'

Well, yes and no. It works as long as you only access those items that you have defined to be in the dictionary. If you try to access any “unknown” item you get a



After trying out different things the simplest answer to accomplish what I set out to do seems to be sub-classing defaultdict.

from collections import defaultdict

class MagicDict(defaultdict):
    def __missing__(self, key):
        result = self[key] = MagicDict()
        return result

And? …

>>> m["foo"]
>>> m["bar"]
defaultdict(None, {})
Traceback (most recent call last):
&nbsp; File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'MagicDict' object has no attribute 'foo'

Indeed, it is. 😀

Well, not quite. There are still a few comfort features missing (e.g. a proper


). The whole, improved and tested code can be found in this Gist:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
from collections import defaultdict
class MagicDict(defaultdict):
def __init__(self, _name=None, **kwargs):
super(MagicDict, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._name = _name
def __missing__(self, key):
name = "%s[\"%s\"]" %(
(self._name if self._name is not None else "mock"),
result = self[key] = MagicDict(_name=name)
return result
def __eq__(self, other):
return self is other
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __repr__(self):
"""Overriden to mimic the output of mock.MagicMock
if self._name is not None:
name_string = " name='%s'" % self._name
name_string = ""
return "<%s%s id='%s'>" % (
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Unsafe Chrome Sometimes Necessary

In my work – every now and then – I found myself in need of a browser with reduced security checks (mainly to gloss over cross domain XMLHttpRequests and SSL certificate violations) for testing purposes. I didn’t want to take the risk and use my main browser session with these settings, so I made me a script (also available as a Gist). 🙂

# Author: Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
# Loads an unsafe (i.e. with several security features disabled) instance of
# Chrome with a temporary profile (i.e. all data is lost once Chrome is closed)
chrome-unsafe() {
# for Homebrew Cask (see compatibility
"/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/google-chrome-dev/latest/Google Chrome" \
"/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/google-chrome/latest/Google Chrome" \
"/Applications/Google Chrome" \
"chrome" \
"chromium" \
while [[ -n CHROME_PATHS ]] && ! type ${CHROME} > /dev/null; do
local DATA_DIR="$(mktemp -d -t 'chrome-unsafe_data_dir.XXXXXXXXXX')"
# for a listing of command line switches see:
"${CHROME}" \
--disable-bundled-ppapi-flash \
--disable-popup-blocking \
--disable-sync \
--disable-web-security \
--ignore-certificate-errors \
--no-default-browser-check \
--no-first-run \
--non-secure \
--user-data-dir="${DATA_DIR}" \
$@ >/dev/null 2>&1 &!
# for now the window will not be brought to the front

If you use oh my ZSH you can save this file in


and add “chrome-unsafe” to your list of used plugins in
