Some car, truck and tire manufacturers as well as oil companies together bought up and dismantled competition from streetcars and electric trains for urban mass transportation in favor of road-rubber-bus-based systems.
Kids React to K-pop
One of the funniest episodes: Kids React to K-pop. 😀
“Flüchtiges, anstrengungsloses Denken führt zu einer politisch konservativen Einstellung”
Muhahaha … anscheinend korreliert mangelnde Zeit, über etwas nachzudenken mit “konservativen Ansichten”.
Die Verbindung steht 😉 … am Ende wird sich auch keiner mehr daran erinnern, dass
- es die Studie im Kontext des politischen Meinungsspektrums der USA zu werten ist und
- dass der Umkehrschluss unzulässig ist.
Aber wer denkt schon so weit … 😛
8 steps to success
Arstechnica has a nice piece on how to do science fraud and minimizing the risk of being caught. 😛
Git Homepage Revamped
Awesome work by Scott Chacon: the Git homepage was completely revamped. 😀
What terrorists think (of themselves) … a comparison
I coincidentally stumbled across two instances where (alleged) terrorists are given the chance to explain themselves in court:
What the “islamist” terrorist said vs. what the “ultra nationalist” terrorist said.
Higgs Boson Explained
APOD picked up a nice cartoon by PHD comics explaining the search for the Higgs Boson at the LHC.
Math vs. Traffic Police
There is an awesome demonstration how knowing your maths can help you avoid a traffic penalty.
Pokémon Reimagined
How Demos Are Coded
It you want to know how demos are coded, farbrausch has released 10 years worth of code.
As a starting point: there is an ongoing series of blog posts showing you around the code.